Main aims of Chinese Image Medicine Association of Hungary:
- Study and popularize the methods of Chinese Image Medicine and emphasize its role in preserving health.
- Provide the opportunity to keep contact and share experience for the Chinese Image Medicine therapists and specialists in Hungary and other countries.
- Establish the Hungarian Chinese Image Medicine Research and Medical Center.
- The Association aims to represent and popularize the evidence-based approach of Chinese Image Medicine in Hungary. According to this the association’s aim is to train Chinese Image Medicine therapists and specialists, also to practise Chinese Image Medicine on a higher professional and ethical basis.
- Work out ethical principles for the professionals working with Chinese Image Medicine.
- The Associantion provides professional support for activity of the registered Chinese Image Medicine specialists and therapists and represents Chinese Image Medicine in Hungary as a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Main Activities of the Association
- Chinese Image Medicine Hungary Association works based on the methods and principles of Chinese Image Medicine used by Professor Xu Mingtang.
- Working on the implementation of programs that research, develop and help the methonds of Chinese Image Medicine.
- Create appropriate conditions for the work of Chinese Image Medicine specialists and insturctors.
- Support the education of Chinese Image Medicine and sharing experience.
- Our intention is to organise Chinese Image Medicine conferences and forums regularly.
- Initiate and help to organise and realise Chinese Image Medicine courses and events.
- Create videos, publications, books, learning guides and audios about Chinese Image Medicine.
- Propagate Chinese Image Medicine and its education as a home method for self improvement, maintaining our health and preventing illnesses.
- Develop, introduce and support the education program of Chinese Image Medicine based on Professor Xu Mingtang’s guidelines and the principles of Kundawell Institute in Beijing.
- Collaboratin with the Chinese Image Medicine Association in Beijing and in other countries and also with the Chinese Image Medicine Federation in Seattle.
- Develop and adapt a system for the education and professional competence evaluation of the Chinese Image Medicine therpaists and specialists in Hungary. Also to organise professional courses, testing and provide diplomas of the acquired professional knowledge.
- Create and keep up to date a registry of the Chinese Image Medicine therpists and specialist who were trained by the Association or by Kundawell Institute in Beijing.
- Support the work of the Chinese Image Medicine therapists and specialists as well as to follow and control the qualitiy of their work and protect the interests of those who use Chinese Image Medicine as a service.
- The association provides workshops and forums as a part of professional supervision to share best practices, well tried professional methods among CIM therapists and specialists by sharing special cases.
- Work out official, professional informative handouts.
- We indicate the aims, activities, programs and the list of registered CIM therapists on our website in accordance with the the legal regulations.
- Set up and control the legal, professional, ethical and marketing principles regarding the work of Chinese Image Medicine therpaists and advisors.
Every natural person, legal person and organization is allowed to be a memeber of the association who agrees with the aims of the association and accepts the principles included in the constitution. The membership fee is 10.000HUF. We are waiting for new members!President of the Association: Fuchs Krisztina
Vice-President: Bogárdi Adrienn and Nagy Gabriella
PR and Marketing: Gara Katalin
Legal address: H-2621, Hungary, Verőce, Erdész street 2.Web-site: kundawell.hu
E-mail: fuchskriszta@gmail.com
E-mail: cimahungary@gmail.com
Telephone: +(36) 30-9196853 Fuchs Kriszta
Translated by Nagy Gabriella