On the 4th of March, 2017, in Technical University of Dresden, as the part of open presentation of Zhong Yuan Qigong by Tamara Ivanovna Martinova, there took place the meeting with the Kundawell Institute specialist Krylova Ekaterina.

During the meeting listeners learned about Chinese Image Medicine, about Beijing Medical Research Institute Kundawell, and about the results of researches in this area. Meeting caused the vivid interest. Listeners were able to ask question and to get diagnostics and wellness procedures of CIM methods provided by the image-therapist of the 2nd level, Krylova Ekaterina.

In short, the first lecture and the acquaintance with Chinese Image-Medicine methods took place. The organizer of this event was the German Association of Zhong Yuan Qigong (Deutscher Verband für Zhong Yuan Qigong).
We look forward for the next meeting!


For photos and provided information we specially want to thank Natalia Urban, ZYQ instructor and administrator of web-site of zyq108.de.

Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

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