Post Event Report

almaty 2017 en text
27 - 29 of September 2017
IV Level of Zhong Yuan Qigong.
In the 4th level seminar can participate people, who has learned the first 3 levels of ZYQ.

30th of September – 1st of October 2017
VII International Conference in Chinese Image Medicine and the I Kazakhstan-Chinese Conference in Traditional Chinese Medicine

2 - 4 of October 2017
Seminars in Chinese Image Medicine (What is Chinese Image Medicine?)
There is no limitation for the participation in this seminar

2nd of October 2017
Personal Students’ Acceptance Ceremony

4th of October 2017
Personal Students’ training

The Venue

“Dom Priyomov”, 165, 167, Zheltoksan str., Almalinskyi district, Almaty, 050000 / A05D7A3, Kazakhstan
Address on map:

i kazakstan konf map

The Schedule

27th of September (Wednesday)
  • 18:00 - 21:00, ZYQ 4th level seminar
28th of September (Thursday)
  • 14:00 - 17:00, ZYQ 4th level seminar
  • 17:00 - 18:00, break
  • 18:00 - 21:00, ZYQ 4th level seminar
29th of September (Friday)
  • 09:00 - 12:00, ZYQ 4th level seminar
  • 12:00 - 14:00, break
  • 14:00 - 17:00, ending of the seminar
30th of September (Saturday)
  • 09:00 - 18:00, the Conference (pre-schedule of the Conference, the final schedule will be posted later)
1st of October (Sunday)
  • 09:00 -18:00, the Conference (pre-schedule of the Conference, the final schedule will be posted later)
2nd of October (Monday)
  • 10:00 - 12:00, professional development of the image-therapists
  • 14:00 - 17:00, seminar in Chinese Image Medicine
  • 17:00 - 18:00, break
  • 18:00 - 21:00, seminar in Chinese Image Medicine
3 of October (Tuesday)
  • 10:00 - 12:00, Personal Students’ Acceptance Ceremony (the conditions of the acceptance)
  • 14:00 - 17:00, seminar in Chinese Image Medicine
  • 17:00 - 18:00, break
  • 18:00 - 21:00, seminar in Chinese Image Medicine
4th of October (Wednesday)
  • 09:00 - 12:00, ending of the seminar
  • 12:00 - 14:00, break
  • 14:00 - 16:00, Personal Students training
  • 18:00, banquet (the price of participation - 50 EUR)


If you are taking part in one of the seminars you will be able to participate in the Conference for free! The IV level of ZYQ only for the first time - 230 EUR, repeatedly - 200 EUR

The Conference only
50 EUR

Chinese Image-Medicine seminar only
for the first time - 230 EUR, repeatedly 200 EUR

To get the status of Personal Student
you have to pay 2000$ during 2 years’ term. To become the Personal Student your first payment has to be 600$.

Personal Students’ training
5000 KZT

a. The IV level of ZYQ (first time) + CIM seminar (first time)
460 EUR
b. The IV level of ZYQ (repeatedly) + CIM seminar (repeatedly)
400 EUR
с. The IV level of ZYQ (first time) + CIM seminar (repeatedly)
430 EUR
d. The IV level of ZYQ (repeatedly) + CIM seminar (first time)
430 EUR

ATTANTION! Pre-registration to all the seminars and to the meeting with the Personal Students is mandatory!


Registration has to be made in a written form, for that you need to:

  1. Fulfill the application
  2. To get payment details
  3. To pay for the seminar
  4. To get the confirmation of your registration, payment and the reservation of the seat to your contact address
register eng
Payment is accepted in Euro only.
With all the questions concerning the payment and registration, contact Natalia Velichko, +7 (701) 7336379, e-mail:
To enter the seminar you will be able only after making the payment of the seminar price and the reservation of the seat in the hall.

Presentations and publications

Participants may apply to present information in any of the following formats:

  1. Brief oral presentation, 5 - 10 minutes. Please, send the report up to 3 pages for review, translation and potential publication.
  2. Standard oral report, 20 - 30 minutes. Please, send the report up to 10 pages for review, translation and potential publication.
  3. Written article or report for publication in the Conference Journal, up to 10 pages.
  4. Workshop or demonstration, 30 - 60 minutes. Please, send written layout for review.

Additional information

Applications for oral presentations and workshops will be accepted till 15th of August 2017.
All materials designed for publication only must be submitted till 15th of August 2017.
We will make a selection from the submitted materials based on thematic suitability. After acceptance of the presentation it is necessary for all presenters to submit a power point or PDF version for review until 15th of August 2017.
Please, email summaries and presentations to:

Multimedia equipment and support will be available for oral presentations.
Articles and reports will be published in the Journal of the Conference.

Languages of the seminars: Chinese, English, Russian.

Information on accommodation

Below you can see the list of hotels and hostels located within walking distance from the venue, as well as information on finding private apartments.

  1. Information about hotels
  2. Information about guest houses (hostels)
  3. Information on searching private apartments (apartments for rent)
  4. How to get the venue

The organizers

What is Chinese Image Medicine?,
Public Association "Qigong and Chinese Image Medicine" (Kazakhstan),
Almaty ZYQ Club “Here and Now”
hnku n1

Contact information

1. With the questions concerning registration and payment:
Natalia Velichko, +7 (701) 733-63-79,

2. With the questions concerning hotels, apartments and hostels:
Renat Khusainov, тел. +7 (701) 552-07-66,

3. General questions:
Vapu Osman, +7 (701) 446-35-32, e-mail:
Vapu Raushan, +7 (701) 577-00-97, e-mail:

Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

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