ceska asociace 2

About the organization

Chinese Image Medicine Association of the Czech Republic was established in February 2018. It currently has 58 members..

Main goals

  • Development and promotion of Chinese Image Medicine in the Czech Republic;
  • Researching the effects of Chinese Image Medicine methods and data acquisition of therapeutic results;
  • Connecting and supporting Chinese Image Medicine therapists;
  • Organization of Chinese Image Medicine seminars;
  • Conveying the information from the Kundawell Institute in Beijing;
  • International cooperation with other Chinese Image Medicine associations;
  • Communicating and making connections with doctors and other therapists.

Association activities

  • Researching the effects of Chinese Image Medicine methods and creating a database of relevant data on successful healing of clients with various diseases;
  • Establishing the Chinese Image Medicine and ZYQ Centres in Prague and other cities;
  • Organization of regular meetings of Chinese Image Medicine therapists;
  • Creating conditions for the work of Chinese Image Medicine therapists;
  • Collaboration with doctors, therapists of TCM and also therapists of other alternative methods;
  • Providing consultations to doctors, Chinese Image Medicine therapists and therapists of other alternative methods;
  • Promotion of Chinese Image Medicine methods regarding all activities of the individual members of the Association;
  • Organizing lectures and practical demonstrations of Chinese Image Medicine methods for both general and professional public;
  • Supporting education and organizing Chinese Image Medicine seminars;
  • Creating a website and other information materials on Chinese Image Medicine in Czech and English;
  • Participation of representatives of the Association at international Chinese Image Medicine conferences;
  • Publication of information from the Kundawell Institute in Beijing and other Chinese Image Medicine associations.


A member of the association may be any natural or legal person. Membership is voluntary and is formed by filling in an application form and paying the membership fee.


Committee members: Monika Kunovska, Petr Kochlik, Halina Jakimenko.
Address: Lidečská 137/3, 155 21 Praha 5
Web: www.image-medicine.cz
Phone: +420 733 580 776
E-mail: pranickastrava@seznam.cz, zy-qigong@email.cz

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