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i germany engBeijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute together with the German Zhong Yuan Qigong Association organises an intensive practical seminar for Chinese Image Medicine in Dresden (Germany) on 3.-4.02.2018.

The seminar will be held by Ekaterina Krylova – Image Medicine therapist of the 2 level, doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with specialization in acupuncture and Tuine massage.
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Chinese Image Medicine

Chinese Image Medicine goes back to the old Chinese traditions; a new stage in its development began in the end of the 20th century.
The basic principles of CIM were laid down by one of the most outstanding doctors in the Chinese history – doctor Bien Chue in the third century BC. At present CIM has gained a new development and became widely spread due to Professor Xu Mingtang.
CIM has recently attained an official acknowledgement as a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China.

Human beings as well as the world in whole exist as a unity of the physical body, energy and information. Chinese Image Medicine has treatment methods for each of these levels at its disposal. But the most important characteristic feature of CIM is the possibility to work with information (image), which also explains its name. CIM is based on such methods of ancient doctors as "the inner vision", "diagnosis through inner vision", "image pulse diagnosis", "image of the inner organs" etc.

The principles discovered by the ancient healers more than 2000 years ago have proven very effective nowadays, in our age of speedy developments and high technologies. Today the technological progress goes hand in hand with intense stress, fatigue and different kinds of illnesses. Bad habits some people turn to in search of relaxation only ruin the health even more. Modern people usually don´t live in harmony with the nature any longer. High speeds and everyday exertion along with the lack of harmony and relaxation result frequently in different failures in the information and energy levels. That is why the methods and principles of Chinese Image Medicine can help modern people very effectively.

Ekaterina Krylova

Ekaterina Krylova was invited by Grandmaster Xu Mingtang personally to study in Beijing. 2000-2007 passed Ekaterina a personal education courses in CIM and health practice of Zhong Yuan Qigong. She also assisted Xu Mingtang for many years, adopting many of his methods of work with different diseases, especially the application of image. After the 8-year study Ekaterina graduated from Beijing Medical University and passed practical training in the major hospitals of Beijing: «CHINA - JAPAN friendship hospital», «Wangjing hospital», «Huguosi hospital». Her own experience of diagnosis and treatment allows her to understand the methods applied profoundly. Besides CIM Ekaterina successfully uses acupuncture to treat and relieve pain.

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Program of the seminar

Theoretical part.
  • What is Chinese Image Medicine. Historical roots and modern development.
  • What is image. The origin of the Universe, the model of human being and the Universe from the point of view of CIM.
  • Review of the CIM components: physical part of CIM, energetic part of CIM, informational part of CIM, general CIM.
  • The model of diseases and their treatment.
  • Introductory information about the methods of diagnosis in CIM.
Energy medicine.
  • The notion of qi.
  • Energy diagnosis with the hand.
  • Energy pulse diagnosis.
  • What is energy treatment; the most frequent energy problems.
  • The means of extracting and supplying qi.
  • The wake-up method.
  • The regeneration method.
  • Mantras.
  • Self regulation.
  • Complete replacement of bad qi in the organism.
  • Heart regeneration.
  • Kidney treatment.
  • Treatment of herniation of intervertebral disk.
Exercises for developing the abilities:
  • special exercises which are meant to develop and enhance the special abilities for diagnosis and treatment with CIM methods.
  • Examples from the image therapy practice.

DSC03634For whom the seminar?

The seminar is aimed at Zhong Yuan Qigong practitioners; however it is also possible to participate without any ZYQ or Image Medicine background.


Preliminary registration for the seminar is required.
Application deadline: 31.12.2017
Contact: or +49 152 57935338 (Nataliya Urban)
Communication is possible in German, Russian and English


Dates: 3. - 4.02.2018
9 a.m. - 6.p.m. with a lunch break.


Price: 150€


Address: 01277 Grunaer Weg 27, Dresden, meditation center "New Dawn"

Reference information

Mobile number: +49 152 57935338

Additional information

Seminar participants from other cities can stay in comfortable rooms in the meditation center (the number of guests is limited).
Convenient sporty clothing is recommended for the seminar. Please bring a notebook and writing utensils and light shoes or warm socks.

Translated by Nataliya Urban

Related News:

A video about the competition for specialists in alternative massage methods was shown on the Chinese television (BTV channel), featuring Ekaterina Krylova.

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