During four years, my husband and I were treated with infertility. Since February 2011, all husband’s tests were normal (after surgery for varicocele - a mass of varicose veins in the spermatic cord). The reason for my infertility has not been identified.
On the 10-th of September 2011, after qigong practice of the third level we were received and consulted by Xu Mingtang in Kiev. After the diagnosis, he said that I had poor blood circulation in the uterus at the microcirculatory level and broken connection to the land and water. According to his recommendation, I took a capsule of "Live Fire" - three capsules three times a day (three packages up to middle of October) and with help of the energy ball I accumulated and gained the energy of land and water in my uterus for 10 minutes twice a week. In mid-November, I dreamed that I would have a child. Indeed, after a week it was the pregnancy. I felt great!
August 28, 2012 I gave birth to a boy!
Weight - 3900, 56 cm height. It was a physiological childbirth. We named him Vasilyok (cornflower) because I dreamed for Christmas that I will have a son, and according to a calendar the day of Basil is on August 27. Everything is fine. When I practice qigong, I imagine that I am he, and we together listen to the music of 5 Elements.
Our family sincerely thanks Xu Mingtang for the help! We wish him luck and success in his practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master Xu Mingtang sent to Tatiana and her family congratulations and best wishes!