We decided to do in vitro fertilization, and started saving money for this. My husband found information about Kundawell - Chinese Medical Institute online. We read the very positive reviews. People were writing that miracles were happening there. We decided to give it a try, especially since it was cheaper than in vitro.
A Russian-speaking staff member met us first, he took us to the clinic and showed everything there. The clinic is equipped with rooms for accommodation, so we stayed there.
After investigation and diagnosis Chinese professor said I had problems and disturbances in blood circulation within my reproductive organs accompanied with a strong energy imbalance. My husband and me did special Chinese physical exercises, I practiced with a ball thus filling my belly with energy. I took special pills produced by this center, 3 pills 3 times a day for 3 months.
One month after finishing the course I got pregnant! In a natural way, myself! All way through the pregnancy I was feeling great, there was no toxicosis, and I gave birth to a healthy boy!
We wish success to Kundawell center and all the specialists working there - wish you good health and God bless you!
Natalia's review is published online: mednapravlenie.ru