Interview with Krylova Ekaterina, Image-Therapist of 2nd level from Beijing Kundawell Institute for Moscow Center of Image-Therapy and Qigong.

- Ekaterina, what played the main role in your choice of the image-internist profession?
- Zhong Yuan Qigong practice. Very early I have started qigong practice, approximately from 12-13 years old, and a strong desire to help people had appeared almost at once. I had the heart to write the letter to Master, telling about this. That’s how it all had started.
- You were the first among Xu Mingtang’s students, who arrived to China and began to study Chinese medicine. How difficult was it for you?
- I began to practice Zhong Yuan Qigong very early, being quite a child, but started the practice, I felt that my capabilities began to open. Accordingly, a strong desire appeared to develop them farther. My father has advised me to write about it to Master. Firstly, I sceptically looked at this idea, but nevertheless had a heart... and wrote. Later Master invited me to take part in intensive practice in Shaolin in 2000, and then I stayed in Beijing, not coming back home. The first year in China I was studying Chinese at one of the best universities in China - Beijing Normal University. Certainly, it was difficult enough, in fact I was only 16 then. I faced many difficulties. For example, cultural adaptation during first six months was very hard. I was almost alone in Asian country, with foreign and incomprehensible for me at that moment mentality.
- Who supported you in China during studying?
- During all that time I had been supported by Xu Mingtang, and he supports me still. Well, and certainly my mother, without her I would not survive all the tests that I had to pass.

- How old were you, when you you’re your first diagnostic of the patient? How did it happen?
- The first person whom I had examined and made a diagnostic was Master Xu Mingtang himself. It happened during our first meeting, at the end of 1990th, I was 13 y.o. As I already had told before, it happened so, that I wrote to Master a letter, saying that I would like to help people and to develop in qigong practice as image-therapist. At that time, Master was holding the Zhong Yuan Qigong seminar in Kishinev. The administrator of the hotel where the teacher had stayed called me, and connected with Xu Mingtang. Master appointed a meeting with me. I arrived, and after small conversation Master asked me to make a diagnostic for himself. I was very nervous, but he said, that everything was right and suggested me not only to develop my capabilities more professionally, but to get the university degree in medicine.
- How many years does make your experience of image-therapist?
- This summer it will be already 18 years, that I am in China next to Master, and my working experience is the same.
- You’ve graduated from the Chinese Medical University and postgraduate course. What has happened after it?
- After graduating from the Beijing Medical University I deeply dived into the work in Kundawell Institute, however in a year I became a mother and for a small term went away in a maternity leave. Nine months later I began to work again, but in a schedule more flexible for me.
- Master Xu Mingtang had given to you many knowledges directly. How was it?
- Master taught me the individual practice and Image-Therapy (Chinese Image Medicine), because he treated patients constantly, and I, living in his house, had meeting met with lots of patients and doctors every day... In 2000, when I firstly arrived to Shaolin by Master’s invitation, I practiced very hard and I had some very serious phenomenons. Master said that it is a very good sign, he marked also, that the transformation of Jing energy into Qi energy had started for me. So I needed more intensive practice with his guidance, with the purpose of opening the capabilities and transmission of the knowledge directly. The intensive studying took place in a period from 16 to 21 y.o., as it is considered in the East that exactly in this age it is possible maximally to expose capabilities. Learning was very hard. Once I even wanted to give up everything, but Xu Mingtang wisely arranged everything in such a way that I reached to the end and finished my education.

- Describe a few interesting cases in your work of image-therapist.
- There were lots of interesting cases during this 17 years. It is difficult to distinguish something. I can mark the attained good results in treatment of herniated discs, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, etc.
You better and brighter remember those moments in curative practice, when you do not wait for a good result from the treatment because of a very difficult patient’s condition, and positive changes come very quickly. One of the memorable cases - the treatment of herniated discs in a neck department. In a month treatment, something about 10 procedures, the patient’s problem went away fully. And also, I well remember the child with bilateral pneumonia, during a critical period with high temperature. A good result was fast too. In 5 days, the inflammation was gone and the temperature fell down. It was hard to treat the myomas, etc.
- What do you think, which characteristics should have image-therapist?
- The most important it is to be responsible, devoted to this work and, certainly, to love people. This is most important. One very successful image-therapist long time ago said to me: "I do not know how I treat the patients. Probably, by love". At that moment, I could not understand the sense of these words. Now these words are deeply in me.
- What nurturing words can you say to the people that only today step on the way of Chines Image Medicine?
- Do not be afraid to try to treat and make diagnostic, even if you had small practice. Chinese Image Medicine (CIM) is the unique method that works perfectly. And if you will be lucky enough, you will be able in the future to get good results in treatment of difficult illnesses. If you chose Chinese Image Medicine (CIM) as your profession - go to the end. As Master Xu Mingtang said: “It is difficult to go for those, who goes ahead, but if you are moving forward, people will always follow you, though this way is not easy”.

- Right now, you have plans to hold seminars in Chinese Image Medicine in different countries. What has become the main reason for your decision to teach Image-Medicine?
- During 17 years of my work as image-therapist I have collected the huge luggage of knowledge. Much of this knowledge was given to me directly by Master Xu Mingtang. Now the time has come for the active spreading of Chinese Image Medicine (CIM). It is time to share my experience.
- Thank you, Ekaterina, for your interesting life-story.
March, 2017.
Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.