In July 2017 in Kazakhstan was registered Public Association “Qigong and Chinese Image Medicine”. This organization was created to popularize and develop Chinese Image Medicine and health-improving practice Zhong Yuan Qigong.

i kazahstan cim 02The aims and principles

Main aims of the activity of the Public Association “Qigong and Chinese Image Medicine”:
  • Popularization, development and holding the programs, projects, activities to acquaint the people with Chinese Image Medicine and health-improving qigong practice;
  • Provision of services of acquainting people with the health-improving qigong practice and Chinese Image Medicine;
  • Securing material and intellectual resources to provide support to the activities of the Association;
  • Developing of the international connections, professional exchange, participation in international collaboration with the organizations, which activities are aimed at popularization and development of the health-improving qigong practice and Chinese Image Medicine.
Main principles of the activities of the Public Association:
  • Integrity, equality of the members, self-government, legality, accountability and transparency of the activities;
  • The priority of protection man’s health and life, maintaining and recovery of the healthy state of the people, for wellness life and labor.


Public Association provides the following activities:

  • Holding of the charity activities;
  • Supporting in organization of the conferences, scientific-practical seminars with the participation of specialists;
  • Holding lectures and practical classes, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, including the international ones, and other activities;
  • Holding individual and group lectures and practical classes;
  • Providing consultations in questions, connected to studying and practical using of health-improving qigong practice and Chinese Image Medicine;
  • Organization of meetings with the publicity, journalists and representatives of the similar organizations;
  • Supporting of the domestic and foreign organizations in holding wellness programs and researches;
  • To get financial, charity help and credits on pro bono and/or return basis, including freely convertible currency, form other organizations, institutions, banks and private persons of Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Creating and development of the physical infrastructure of the Association;
  • Methodical, practical and consulting assistance;
  • Developing and publishing of the methodical and other textbooks and materials on health-improving qigong practice and Chinese Image Medicine;
  • Dissemination of information, advertising (brochures, booklets, memos, etc.) in the field of the health-improving qigong practice and Chinese Image Medicine;
  • Using of modern telecommunication means and internet resources, social media resources;
  • Organization of the work to involve the material and financial resources; collaboration with other public organizations in working-out and realization of the programs in health-improving practices;
  • Foreign economic activity according to the law;
  • The Association can make entrepreneurship activity, insofar as it serves the statute purposes;
  • Entrepreneurship activity of the Association is being made according to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Foreign economic activity of the Association is being made under current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

i kazahstan cim 03Contacts

Legal address:
  • 050012, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Auezovskiy region, m-n Aksay-5, the house 16.
  • +7(701)446-35-32, Osman Vapu,
  • +7(701)577-00-97, Raushan Vapu.
Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

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