Director of American Institute "Kundawell", Seattle (USA), President of the International Charity Fund "Mingtang", Director of Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell", a member of the Department of External treatment modes of Chinese Association of TCM, Deputy Chairman of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong, The founder of Chinese Image Medicine.
Xu Mingtang is the current Grandmaster and lineage holder of Zhong Yuan Qigong, a system that is thousands of years old. He comes from an ancient Shamanic and Kungfu family closely associated with the Shaolin monastery.
One of the foremost teachers and healers in Chinese medicine today, he has taught the ZY Qigong system to more than 40,000 students in at least 17 countries, and he supervises clinics throughout the world.
Some of the current distinctions of Grandmaster Xu include:
- Director of the Kundawell Institute in Seattle, Washington (USA)
- President of the International Charity Fund "Mingtang"
- Director of Research at Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute
- A member of the Chinese Association of TCM in the Department of External Treatment Modalities
- Deputy Chairman of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong
- The Founder of Image Medicine Authored many books, brochures and training materials Background and Credential Timeline:
- Xu Mingtang was born on May 29,1963 in Puyang, Henan Province of China.
- 1979 -1983: Attended Sian University of Transport and Communications, received a bachelor degree in computer programs.
- 1985-1987: Attended Beijing University, received a Masters degree in Computer Programs.
- 1987-1991: Software Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, worked as a software developer.
- 1992-1999: Ukrainian-Chinese "Da-U" LLC, General Director.
- 2000-2006: Director at The Center of Medical Arts of Chinese Medicine in Seattle, Washington (USA) Director of the American Kundawell Institute
- 2006-Present: Director of Research at Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute.
A Short Introdution of Xu Mingtang
- Xu Mingtang comes from a family of famous surgeons in China’s Henan Province. Beginning in early childhood, he studied Wushu with his great grandfather and learned Shamanic practices (Wu Yi) from his grandmother.
- While still a child, he began training with his first real teacher, an 80-year-old Shaman woman from his village. There he learned the spiritual healing methods and other practices that are central to the ZY Qigong system. He studied Traditional Chinese medicine along with his technical studies and his skills were so great that he worked as a hospital diagnostician during his third year of University.
- Grandmaster Xu started teaching ZY Qigong outside of China in 1991. Since 1998, he has led annual international Qigong retreats in Shaolin. As the current lineage-holder of ZY Qigong, he teaches ZY Qigong and Image Medicine to all levels of students. Currently, Grandmaster Xu divides his time between his teaching and research at Kundawell Institute in Beijing, and his many healing, teaching and speaking engagements throughout the world.
Image Medicine
- By rough estimate, Prof. Xu Mingtang has completely healed more than 10,000 cases of refractory illness of all types, using the diagnostic and treatment methods of Image Medicine. Concurrently he has trained approximately 50,000 students in the healing and health maintenance skills of Image Medicine. There are now about twenty Image Medicine health institutes worldwide, and approximately 3,000 full-time practitioners of Image Medicine. This remarkable success is now paving the way to world-wide embrace of this orthodox traditional Chinese medicine.
- From his clinical practice of Image Medicine in six countries, over the span of more than two decades, Prof. Xu has observed numerous cases of instantaneous or otherwise "miraculous" healings. He has successfully treated Crohn’s disease, atrophy, illness of the cervical vertebrae, vertebral disc herniation, asthma, childhood epilepsy, deafness, blindness due to illness, heart attack and its complications, diabetes, and many other diseases. He has found that Image Medicine is particularly and uniquely effective with regard to "informational illness."
- The significance of Prof. Xu's Image Medicine methods is detailed in this article from Top China Magazine, dated January 1, 2010: A visit with Image Medicine Founder, Xu Mingtang.
- Image Medicine offers hope not only for individual lives, but hope for the future of human life itself. Thus, at the 2009 International Traditional Medicine Technology Symposium and All China Forum on Progress in Traditional Chinese Medicine External Healing, Professor Xu Mingtang was awarded the "All-China Outstanding Contributor to Progress in the Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine External Healing" award.
- Born into a well-known family of doctors and martial artists in the Henan province, Xu Mingtang followed in the tradition of his ancestors. He studied Chinese medicine, shamanic practices, and martial arts before beginning diagnostic work at the hospital where his father, a surgeon, served as director. Working alongside his father, Xu Mingtang began seeing patients at the age of seven. His father carefully assessed his scanning abilities, using Western diagnostic testing as the standard. Xu Mingtang's skills at scanning and diagnosing were so accurate that he was allowed to begin seeing patients independently at age fourteen.
- He left home two years later, to study the modern discipline of computer science at the prestigious Xian Jiaoda University. In his free time he continued to see patients, and his skills at scanning, diagnosing and treating disease further improved. After graduation he returned to Henan province and trained intensively at places known for their healing power: the Longmen Grottos, the White Horse Temple, the Cloud and Mist Mountains, and the Shaolin Monastery. At Shaolin, he was inspired by his ancestor, Prince Kimnara, Guardian of Principles of the Monastery centuries before. The monastery hall in Shaolin is dedicated to his forefather and, in the tradition of his family, Xu Mingtang upholds those family principles to this day.
- Xu Mingtang’s father and his teacher both urged him to pursue a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, as the modern scientific age unfolded in China. He attended Beijing University, where he graduated at the top of his class. He then was employed as the Chief Engineer and Project Director at the Software Laboratory of the National Academy of Science of China. But he spent every free moment practicing of ZY Qigong, and in 1988 he founded the Chinese Zhong Yuan Association. A year later he was appointed Associate Professor of the Chinese Research Institute of Human Latent Potentials.
- In 1991, Xu Mingtang decided to focus his life on ZY Qigong. He left his prestigious position in China and began teaching in Russia. Within a few years, he was giving seminars on ZY Qigong throughout the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. His roster of patients grew exponentially and now includes cultural, business, sports and government elite. Over the course of the next ten years, Xu Mingtang founded the Kiev Chinese Traditional Medicine Clinic and the Oriental Culture and Medicine Academy at the Ukraine National Academy of Science, which includes degree programs for medical students and health professionals. Prof. Xu is also affiliated with the Laboratory for Human Brain Research and Moscow University. He first published his two-book series, Entering One’s Own Universe—ZY Qigong, in Russian. It has since been translated into Hebrew, German, Czech, and finally English.

- In 1995, he moved to the US to promote and develop Image Medicine. In 1996, in order to further promote the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xu Mingtang founded the International Charity Fund "Mingtang" (Kiev, Ukraine) and financed the teaching of more than 20 foreign students who studied Chinese medicine in China.
- In China, Xu Mingtang was awarded a professorship at the Chinese and Western Medical Joint Hospital of the Beijing Chinese Medicine University. Additionally, he is a Board member and Advanced Specialist Consultant of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Today, although he continues to teach seminars and treats patients throughout the world, Xu Mingtang spends most of his time at the Kundawell Institute, which he founded in Beijing in 2008. The institute specializes in researching and treating patients with the most difficult and "untreatable" diseases, using methods of Image Medicine combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Xu Mingtang’s current vision is to establish a North American clinical center which could accommodate patients for extended stays. Treatment protocols would combine hands-on healing, herbal supplements and individualized nutrition programs, as well as personalized ZY Qigong training and practice. Such a facility would also allow for intensive training in Image Medicine and clinical internships for new ZY Qigong healers.
International Affairs:
In July 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited by members of the USA Congress to attend the Round Table to give a report on the effectiveness of Image Medicine and its development.
In 2006, to ensure that people from all over the world were able to come to China and study TCM, Professor Xu Mingtang began plans to create Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute In Beijing on April 18, 2008 the Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute officially opened.
In 2003, he worked as a professor at WIDU. Congress Kundawell which took place in Montenegro. Representatives from thirty-one In 2005, in Seattle, Washington, the American Kundawell Institute was founded to promote the study of Image Medicine, Chinese medicine, and training of experts.
On June 22-28, 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang and founder of the String Theory (quantum physics) - Michio Kaku were invited to the 16th annual meeting of the International ISSSEEM USA to make a presentation on "Image Medicine".
In July 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited by members of the USA Congress to attend the Round Table to give a report on the effectiveness of Image Medicine and its development.

In July 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited by members of the US Congress Round Table to make a report on effectiveness of Image Medicine and its development.
Activities of Beijing Medical Research Institute, Kundawell
October 15, 2008, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited to the Fifth World Congress of Chinese Medicine of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), held in Macao.
In June 2009, the specialists at Kundawell Institute took part in the conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the All-China Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, held in Beijing.
July 2009, the experts of the Institute attended the All-China Conference for special treatment modalities of Traditional Chinese medicine, held in Beijing.
July 2009, the experts of Kundawell Institute took part in the All-China Scientific Conference of researchers in the sphere of health promotion and healthy lifestyle, held in Bei Dai He.
November 9-11, 2009, At the International Conference for Traditional Medicine, the Forum for External Treatment Modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Sixth Annual meeting of the National Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou; Professor Xu Mingtang received a special award for contributing to the development of the Science of External Treatment Modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
January 2010, the editor of "Talents of China" journal visited Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute and took an exclusive interview with Professor Xu Mingtang, which was subsequently published in the "Economy" section of "Talents of China" edition No 01 of 01/01/2010 under the headline "Xu Mingtang: Newly Manifest Miracle of Bian Que".
March 19, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "Image Medicine and Ancient Chinese Medicine" at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
October 9-10, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang made a speech at the 45th Academic Salon of new doctrines and ideas on "Image thinking and the essence of the meridians", which was financed by the Chinese Association of Science held at the Xiang Shang hotel.
October 22, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "The Imaginative thinking of Image Medicine" at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
November 5-8, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the "Forum of the healthy population of China and Taiwan in 2010", which took place in the province of Guangdong, and was jointly organized by the Guangdong Association, the World Health Scientific Union "Tai Chi", the Taiwan Institute of Chinese natural therapy, and gave a lecture on "Image Medicine and methods of maintaining health".
December 19, 2010, an Academic forum of TCM clinical research took place in Shenzhen, organized by the Chinese Association of TCM. Professor Xu Mingtang was invited to participate in and reported on "Clinical Research in Image Medicine".
May 21, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "Imaginative thinking, treatment and diagnosis on the basis of images" at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
August 21, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "The differences between ancient Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the way of thinking and the effectiveness of treatment" for students from Austria, Spain, Italy and other European countries, by invitation from the head of the International Training Centre from the Institute of Acupuncture and Massage, under Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
October 9-12, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the First session of the European Medicine and methods of maintaining health".
May 21, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "Imaginative thinking, treatment and diagnosis on the basis of images" at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
August 21, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "The differences between ancient Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the way of thinking and the effectiveness of treatment" for students from Austria, Spain, Italy and other European countries, by invitation from the head of the International Training Centre from the Institute of Acupuncture and Massage, under Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
October 9-12, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the First session of the European Congress Kundawell which took place in Montenegro.
Representatives from thirty-one countries: China, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro and others took part in this Congress.
October 29-30, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the "Forum of the healthy population of China and Taiwan" which was held in Taibei city, at the Beat the Yuan Shan hotel, and read a lecture on "The effectiveness of Image Medicine at treating cardiovascular disease". The forum was attended by more than 300 medical specialists from China, Taiwan, Malaysia and USA.
November 19-23, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang and specialists of the Kundawell Institute took part in the 20th anniversary celebration of Image Medicine in Russia, at the First International Conference on Image Medicine. Kundawell Institute was the organizer and participant of these events.

April 19, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Sixth Conference for the investment of Chinese enterprises "International Forum on Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine", organized by the Beijing International Hotel press center.
April 28, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang participated in the Forum on the original way of thinking in the International Chinese medicine and Image Medicine as well as in the procedure of the search of the cultural roots of Chinese medicine, which were organized by the Chinese Association of TCM and Beijing Medical Research Institute Kundawell.
June 1, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on "The Pulse diagnosis of Bian Que" at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
June 11, 2012 Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute received the right to become a member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
June 17-19, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang participated in the Fifth Council for the representatives of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong and the Seventh Meeting on academic exchange in the field of Medical Qigong.
June 23-24, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the first meeting for the Professional Committee of TCM of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), held in the city of Jilin.
29-30 September 2012, Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute was the organizer and participant of the "Second International Conference on Image Medicine and the First Ukrainian-Chinese Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine, held in Odessa (Ukraine).

13-14 October 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the meeting devoted to the study of TCM and the "I Ching" ("Book of Changes") in China and Taiwan, held in Zheng Zhou, and gave a lecture on: "Application of creative thinking in "Book of Changes" and in pulse diagnosis".
March 27, 2013, the representatives of Kundawell Institute took part in a Forum at the China Med 2013 expo in Beijing.
13-14 April 2013, Professor Xu Mingtang and specialists of Kundawell Institute took part in the "Second International Forum on original thinking in TCM and Bian Que pulse diagnosis, and event "In Search of TCM cultural roots", held in Yuncheng city, Shanxi Province. Kundawell Institute was also a co-organizer of these events.

April 20, 2013, in Malaysia, Sibu Sarawak city, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Fourth Annual Conference of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Asia-Pacific Forum for exchange and cooperation in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and gave a lecture on "Bian Que Pulse diagnosis".
June 4, 2013, Image Medicine was accredited by China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.