Dear friends! Because of a large number of people who wish to participate in the retreat, we stop receiving applications on the site. Those who have already filled in the application on the site (included in the preliminary list) must confirm their participation in the retreat by sending us ( a scan of your air tickets and passport, within a month. If before April 23, 2017 we do not receive from you this confirmation, your applications will be canceled. If there are available seats, we will resume registration on the site from April 23, 2017.


For pre-registration, everyone is required to fill out an application on the site.
Here is an example of an electronic application for participation in the Shaolin Retreat in 2017:
shaolin 2017 spravka 5You need to fill in all the fields of the registration form and click the register button. After that, the information on the monitor screen will appear: "Your reaquest has been received. Thank you!" And this means that you are on the preliminary registration list.

shaolin 2017 spravka 6
Please note that pre-registration is not confirmed by e-mail
. Preliminary registration does not entitle you to be considered a participant in the retreat in Shaolin in 2017. Without providing full information, registration is not considered valid.

Final registration

For final registration, the organizers of the retreat should be sent to the email address: a scanned flight ticket to Beijing and a copy of your passport.

You are a participant of the retreat in Shaolin in 2017

Only after you send us a scanned flight ticket to Beijing and a copy of your passport, you will confirm your registration and will be able to be considered a member of the Shaolin Retreat, in which case you will be sent a message to your email address about the final registration.

Example of the email:

shaolin 2017 spravka 4

Research results

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