On 22 of June, 2017, Yang Guan, the specialist of Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute, had read the educational lecture for the aspirants of the Traditional Medicine University.
i yang guang 20170622 02
The subject of the lecture was: “The normalization of the human’s blood pressure using the methods of Chinese Image Medicine”.
i yang guang 20170622 05i yang guang 20170622 04The lecture was being accompanied by the workshop practice, and every listener, who came to this lecture, had the possibility to feel and to try the methods of Chinese Image Medicine.
i yang guang 20170622 06
i yang guang 20170622 01We do hope that the methods, which were shown during this lecture by the specialist of the Kundawell Institute will help to equip the aspirants with extra knowledge, and the information which they heard will become useful for them in future.

The subject of the lecture was: “The normalization of the human’s blood pressure using the methods of Chinese Image Medicine”
Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

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