On the 18th of April 9 years ago Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute officially had opened its doors for the students and guests from all over the world. Celebrations on this occasion were held on Sunday, 16th of April, 2017, and coincided with Easter.

At the official part of the party students and graduates of Institute shared their stories how much their lives had changed after their meeting with the founder of the modern Chinese Image-Medicine Xu Mingtang, and their studies at Kundawell. Many words of gratitude were addressed to professor Xu Mingtang, to other professors, teachers and all the staff. And the plans were released concerning further developing of the Institute.

And today we receive congratulations from our representatives and friends from different countries.

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We want to join these congratulations and we wish to all the staff of the Institute boundless energy, prosperity, health and wealth. In future Kundawell will have new opportunities and new creative achievements.
Happy Birthday, beloved Kundawell!

Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

Birthday Party Dinner on Pinterest

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