Photo report about this event

The goal of the Forum
Experience exchange, discussions and talking on actual questions, establishing the conditions for the cooperation in the area of Chinese Image Medicine and the natural methods of prevention and treatment of the diseases.
Ukrainian, English, Russian.Form of participation in the Forum
Listener, reporter (poster presentation, plenary talk, master-class), the participant of the round table, publishing of the article or the thesis).Main thematic areas of the Forum
- Chinese Image Medicine.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Zhong Yuan Qigong.
- Scientific area of the theoretical and applied researches in Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong.
Key themes and reports of the Forum
“Presentation of PO “CIM Association of Ukraine”Letiagin Dmytro: The Chairman of the Governing Board and of PO “CIM Association of Ukraine”, Image-therapist, Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, “Qigong Life” Center (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“CIM in Hungary: 8th CIM Conference in Budapest, CIM future in Hungary”
Fuchs Krisztina – Representative of Hungary, Mingtang Foundation, Vice-president of “CIMA of Hungary”, MBA, CIM Therapyst 3rd level, ZYQ Instructor (Budapest, Hungary).

“About Chinese Image Medicine, views on the methods of diagnostic and treatment, historical and modern aspects”
Rusin Igor: President of PO “Dnipro association of Zhong Yang Qigong”, Image-therapist, ZYQ instructor, “Zhong Yuan Qigong and YiXiang YiXue” Center” (Dnipro, Ukraine).

“Review of the views and methods of diagnostic in modern medical treatment, Traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese Image Medicine”
Pomazkina Tatyana: doctor, therapist, reflexologist, image-therapist, ZYQ instructor, “Zhong Yuan Qigong and YiXiang YiXue” Center” (Dnipro, Ukraine), President of PO “Kharkiv Association of ZYQ” (Kharkiv, Ukraine).

“Examples of the successful use of Chinese Image Medicine in own practice”
Letiagina Alexandra: Image-therapist, Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, Chinese Image Medicine instructor,“Qigong Life” Center (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“About the activities of the Zhong Yuan Qigong Center in Ternopil”
Shadrin Victor: Instructor ZYQ, The Chairman of the PO “Zhong Yuan Qigong Center” (Ternopil, Ukraine).

“Examples of the successful application of a comprehensive approach to the development, rehabilitation and treatment of Chinese figurative medicine and practice by Zhong Yuan Qigong”
Soroka Oksana: Image-therapist, ZYQ instructor, PO “Zhong Yuan Qigong Center” (Ternopil, Ukraine).

“Examples of working with endocrine system and gynecological problems using methods of Chinese Image Medicine. ART-Qigong as a method of individual client’s work on changing the Image”
Zoya Ligvinska: ZYQ instructor, Image-therapist, Reiki-therapist, author of the wellness methodology ART-Qigong, art-therapist, the member of the Eastern-Ukrainian Association of Art-therapy, “Kundawell-Odessa” Wellness Center (Odesa, Ukraine).

“Using the positive psychotherapy in the treatment with the methods of Chinese image medicine”
Valentina Bosko: international master-coach of positive psychotherapy; chief of the teaching-wellness center “Dao”, Odesa: office of the World Association of Positive Psychotherapy (WAPP), office of the Ukrainian Institute of Positive Transcultural Psychotherapy and Management; the member of the World Association of Positive Psychotherapy; full member of the Psychotherapist’s register of Ukraine; Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, image-therapist (Odesa, Ukraine).

“The method of forming the relaxation experience among Zhong Yuan Qigong practitioners via the specialty of the unconscious mind perception”
Vadim Lagron: biologist (immunology and biochemistry of the human), postgraduate; psychologist, image-therapist, specialist of the wellness gymnastics Badua Zing (Eight Pieces of Brocade) and “The games of the five animals”: the head of the public organization “Regional wellness club Awakening”; Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, development center “Anael” (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).

“The application of methods of Chinese Image Medicine in the field of cardiovascular and cardiovascular rehabilitation”
Natalia Yarosh: III level CIM Therapist, instructor of CIM, instructor Zhong Yuan Qigong (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“Overview of the features of the site”
Igor Katerynyuk: IT specialist, developer and administrator of the site, qigong practitioner (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“Using CІM in the healer practice“
Yakovchuk Nikolai: the founder of the OMIOS school, a bioenergetic therapist, a practicing healer, a member of the association of specialists in natural and traditional medicine of Ukraine, was awarded the Order of the “Patriot of Ukraine”, image therapist (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Themes of the scientific plenary talks
“International program of scientific researches in Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong for the years 2017-2023: the tasks of the program and the state of its realization. Integral informational and analytical environment of the scientific researches, professional healers’ activity and Chinese Image Medicine E-learning: the aim, requirements and generalized architecture. Problems and strategy of creating the scientific theory of Chinese Image Medicine in the context of Integral medicine paradigm. Conceptualization and mathematical modelling of the diagnostic space and Chinse Image Medicine diagnostic procedures”Lupenko Serhii: doctor of technical science, professor of the computer systems and nets department of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ternopil, Ukraine).

“Expert medical systems. Strategy of creating and architecture of the expert system for Chinese Image Medicine”
Gorkunenko Andriy: doctor of technical science, associate professor of the medical physics of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment of Ternopil Ivan Gorbachevskii State Medical University (Ternopil, Ukraine).

“Chinese Image Medicine Knowledge Base based on its ontology: the aim of creation, architecture, technologies, forming of knowledges, conceptual and formal ontological models. Multimedia system of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong E-learning: the aim of creation, architecture, models and methods of organizing the learning process”
Orobchuk Alexandra: graduate student of the computer systems and nets department of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ternopil, Ukraine)

“Methods and informational tools of organization, support and analyze of the results of clinical Chinese Image Medicine researches in the context of the evidence-based medicine”
Sverstyuk Andrii: doctor of technical science, associate professor of medical information technology department of Ternopil Ivan Gorbachevskii State Medical University (Ternopil, Ukraine).

“On the pressing need for the thematisation of scientist in the CIM scientific community”
Ovcharenko Valentina: Humanitarian Education Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“Different techniques of cup massage in Traditional Chinese Medicine”Xu Xiaoteng: Expert of Research Department of the Kundawell Institute, researcher of traditional massage techniques, doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture), specialist of Badua Zing (Eight Pieces of Brocade) and Yi-Dzing-Dzing (China), wellness center “Kundawell-Odessa” (Odesa, Ukraine).

“Chinese wellness gymnastics "Badua Zing" ("Eight Pieces of Brocade") and “The games of the five animals”
Vadim Lagron: Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, development center “Anael” (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).

“Chinese wellness gymnastics "Badua Zing" ("Eight Pieces of Brocade") and “The games of the five animals”
Vadim Lagron: Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, development center “Anael” (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).

“Informational and energy detox”
The work with the lungs as the example of the ART-Qigong method, – Zoya Ligvinska (Odesa, Ukraine).

“Practical instruments for the correction of the patient’s image”
Valentina Bosko: Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, image-therapist (Odesa, Ukraine).

“Energy diagnostic in CIM”
Letiagina Aleksandra: image-therapist, Zhong Yuan Qigong instructor, Chinese Image Medicine instructor, “Qigong Life” Center (Kyiv, Ukraine).

“Diseases of the cold in urinary and genital diseases, CIM”
Akimova Tatyana: Image-therapist of the 3rd level, ZYQ Instructor, CIM Instructor (Chisinau, Moldova).

Round table, themes for the debates and discussions
- Ways and directions of developing Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong in Ukraine.
- Development strategy of PO “CIM Association of Ukraine”.
- Questions about the work of image-therapists and instructors.
Schedule of the Forum
March, 17- 09:00 – Registration of the participants
- 10:00 – 11:00 – Openeing ceremony
- 11:00 - 13:00 – Plenary reports
- 13:00 – 15:00 – Break
- 15:00 – 19:00 – Scientific and planned reports
- 09:00 – 10:30 – Meeting of members of the PO “CIM Association of Ukraine”
- 11:00 – 14:00 – Scientific and planned reports
- 14:00 – 15:00 – Break
- 15:00 – 16:00 – Master classes
- 16:00 – 18:00 – Round Table, discussions
- 18:00 – 19:00 – Closing of the Forum
We invite to take part in the Forum
- Chinese Image Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialists;
- Specialists in the areas of health-care in traditional and non-traditional medicine;
- ZYQ instructors and practitioners;
- Researchers of systems and methods of developmental training and wellness;
- Line Scientific and Research Institutes, Universities, Clinics and Hospitals;
- All the people with the interest in researching, studying, experience exchange in the area of health-care, wellness and prevention.
Organizational contribution
To partly cover the costs for publishing the materials, servicing the sessions and meetings of the Forum, for the participants of the Forum was assessed the organizational contribution: 10 Euro.
Organizer and partners of the Forum
- Public Organization “Chinese Image Medicine Association of Ukraine”;
- Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute, Beijing, China;
- International charity Fund “Mingtang”, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- “Qigong Life” Center, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- “Kundawell-Odessa” Wellness Center, Odesa, Ukraine;
- “Qigong and Yi Xiang Yi Xue” Center, Dnipro, Ukraine;
- PO “Kharkiv Association of Zhong Yang Qigong”, Kharkiv, Ukraine;
- PO “Dnipro Association of Zhong Yang Qigong”, Dnipro, Ukraine;
- PO “Ternopil Association of Zhong Yuan Qigong”, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Media partners
Key dates
- Requests to participate in the Forum are accepted: Reporters – till the 1st of March 2018, Listeners – till the 10th of March 2018. E-mail:
- The materials of reports, lectures and master-classes are accepted till the 1st of March 2018. The reporters and lecturers have to prepare PPT presentations and send them till the 1st of March to this e-mail:
Additional information
To the attention of the reporters, lecturers and coaches of master-classes.The materials of the Forum will be published as a hand-book digest. Reports, lectures, master-classes and round tables are provided with the necessary multimedia equipment.
Presentation of materials for the Forum’s hand-book digest.
Report, lecture – up to 10 pages, thesis – up to 3 pages A4 in text editor WORD, with 1,5 intervals between lines, script – Times New Roman; script size – 10; frames – 1,25.
On the first line there has to be the surname and the initials of the author (authors); the second line – the title of the material (bold script); the third line – the name of organization, where the work was done and the city; further – main material. Preferably to have the resume in English. Pictures and diagrams, you need to duplicate in separate files tiff or jpg. All the materials should to be sent in attachments. The titles of documents you need to form according to the surname of the first author in Roman letters.
Recommendations for image-therapists about making the presentation of the report – report-form. Applications for the participation in the event you may send to this e-mail:
Subject of e-mail: Forum. Specify your: name and surname, city, country, phone number and chosen form of participation (poster presentation, plenary talk, master-class, listener).