The bright event of the spring 2019 – The Second Ukrainian Chinese Image Medicine Forum! We invite to participate: speakers, listeners and coaches of master-classes.

6-7 of April 2019Venue
Ukraine, Odesa. "White Akacia" Resort, Frantsuzkij blv. 59Organizer of the Forum
Public Organization "Chinese Image Medicine Association of Ukraine"Our partners
International charity Fund "Mingtang", Kyiv (Ukraine),Medical Research Kundawell Institute, Beijing (China),
Wellness Center "Kundawell", Odesa (Ukraine),
Teaching and wellness center "Dao", Odesa (Ukraine),
Project "ART-Qigong", Odesa (Ukraine),
"Qigong Life" Center, Kyiv (Ukraine),
PO "Dnipro Association of Zhong Yang Qigong", Dnipro (Ukraine),
PO "Ternopil Association of Zhong Yuan Qigong", Ternopil (Ukraine),
PO "Kharkiv Association of Zhong Yang Qigong", Kharkiv (Ukraine),
PO "The Academy of Qigong and Eastern Practices", Odesa (Ukraine).
We invite you to become our media-partners and the sponsors of the Forum!
The aims of the Forum
- experience exchange,
- popularization of Chinese Image Medicine,
- discussions,
- forming the conditions for the collaboration in the field of Chinese Image Medicine and the natural methods of wellness, rehabilitation and treatment.
Ukrainian, English, Russian.Formats of the participation
- listener,
- reporter (poster presentation – 15 minutes, plenary talk 30 minutes),
- master-class – 30 minutes,
- publishing of the article or the thesis.
Forum Member
We invite to participate:- Specialists in the field of Chinese Image Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine;
- Specialists in the field of the rehabilitation with the methods of traditional and alternative medicine;
- Zhong Yuan Qigong Instructors and practitioners;
- Researchers of the systems and methods of the psychophysical training and rehabilitation;
- Relevant Research Institutes, Universities, clinics;
- All those who are interested in the researching, studying and experience exchange in the field of the treatment, rehabilitation and wellness.

Online registration is strictly requaired for all the participants!To fulfill the online registration form, please, click the link
Time period for registration
From 18th of December 2018 till 18th of February 2019.Reporters – from 18th of December 2018 till 18th of February 2019.
Listeners – from 18th of December 2018 till 18th of February 2019.
The materials of reports, lectures and master-classes are accepted from 18th of December 2018 till 18th of February 2019.
Organizational contribution
Organizational contribution for all the participants: 10 Euro. It will be aimed to cover the cost of the hall and equipment rent, publishing the materials, and other services of the Forum. The organizational contribution will be taken locally in Odessa, before the opening ceremony.Presentations
The reporters and lecturers have to prepare PPT presentations and send them to this e-mail: ukrcim108@gmail.com from 18th of December 2018 till 18th of February 2019.All the materials of the reports and publications will be previously considered by the commission. After the commission’s approval of the materials, the participant will get the e-mail that his/her report is accepted.
Presentation of materials for the Forum’s hand-book digest
- Report, lecture – up to 10 pages, thesis – up to 3 pages A4;
- in text editor WORD, with 1,5 intervals between lines, script – Times New Roman; script size – 12; frames – 1,25;
- on the first line there has to be the surname and the initials of the author (authors);
- the second line – the title of the material (bold script);
- the third line – the name of organization, where the work was done and the city;
- further – main material;
- preferably to have the resume in English;
- pictures and diagrams, you need to duplicate in separate files tiff or jpg;
- all the materials should be sent in attachments;
- the titles of documents you need to form according to the surname of the first author in Roman letters;
- send your reports to this e-mail: ukrcim108@gmail.com from 18 of December 2018 till 18 of February 2019.

6th of April 2019- 09:00 – 10:00 registration of the participants,
- 10:00 – 11:00 opening ceremony,
- 11:00 – 13:00 forum,
- 13:30 – 15:00 break,
- 15:00 – 16:00 forum,
- 16:00 – 17:30 break,
- 17:30 – 20:00 master-classes.
7th of April 2019
- 09:00 – 10:30 meeting of the members of the Association,
- 11:00 – 13:00 forum,
- 13:00 – 15:00 break,
- 15:00 – 17:30 master-classes,
- 17:30 – 19:00 forum,
- 19:00 – 20:00 closure of the Forum.
Additional Information
Information about forum reports, master classes and topics of scientific plenary reports is published on the website of Chinese Image Medicine Association of Ukraine.
We invite you to spend the wonderful spring days 6-7 of April in Odessa – usefully, in a good mood, in the friendly and creative atmosphere of the Second Ukrainian Forum on Chinese Image-Medicine!