The other day the representative of public organization CIM Association of Ukraine (Chinese Image Medicine Association of Ukraine) has arrived to Kundawell Institute with a very important mission - to hand to Master Xu Mingtang the membership certificate of the Association. 
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It was solemnly passed to Master on the ceremony of getting the certificates about completion of course in Chinese Image Medicine by Chinese students.

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It was not the only surprise from Ukrainian Association: together with the certificate to Master Xu Mingtang had been passed the brochure with the visualization of the unique international project – Biguan Cultural center

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New Chinese Image-therapists were the first to see this booklet. They studied its content with great interest and highly estimated the work done.

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Kundawell Institute expresses enormous gratitude to Ukrainian colleagues for fruitful work in development of the Chinese Image Medicine Federation and for a large contribution to the building of the Biguan Cultural center.

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Translated by Zoya Ligvinska.

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