<<< list of the third level Image therapists with the rights to teach the basics of Chinese Image Medicine >>>

Pay your attention to

All the events published on the official website of the Kundawell Institute are conducted with the agreement by the leadership of the Institute and Master Xu Mingtang. There is a list of image therapists below who have the rights to conduct training seminars of Chinese Image Medicine (Image Medicine):

Smirnova Olga (Смирнова Ольга)

Kuznetsov Flura (Кузнецова Флюра)

Fogel Tatiyana (Фогель Татьяна)

Krylova Ekaterina (Крылова Екатерина)

Rubanenko Sergey (Рубаненко Сергей)

Vapu Raushan (Вапу Раушан)

Vapu Osman (Вапу Осман)

Achimova Tatiana (Акимова Татьяна)

Letiagina Oleksandra (Летягина Александра)

Ignateva Natalia (Игнатьева Наталия)

Iarosh Natalia (Ярош Наталия)

Sergeeva Liubov (Сергеева Любовь)

Kapyrina Natalia (Капырина Наталия)

Nesterenko Larisa (Нестеренко Лариса)

Chirkunova Olga (Чиркунова Ольга)

Tertychniy Ievgenii (Тертычный Евгений)

Ryazanova Valentina (Рязанова Валентина)

Jura Martin (Юра Мартин)

Fuchs Krisztina (Фукс Криста)

Bogardi Adrienn (Богарди Адриенн)

Nagy Gabriella (Наги Габриэлла)

If you find a violation of the established rules,
please inform the Kundawell Institute.

On this page, in addition to seminars of Chinese Image Medicine, they have rights to publish lectures, seminars, retreats of Zhong Yuan Qigong, held by Master Xu Mingtang.

Research results

Mrs. Xu (China), 55 years old. (Mrs. Xu is a participant in the individual research program at the Institute “Kundawell”) According to...
My name is Svetlana. I live in Germany. I am engaged with Zhong Yuan wellness practice for about six years.
A letter to the Kundawell Institute to Master Xu Mintang.«Dear Master Xu Mingtang!Hereby we would like to thank you for...
The publication was made in the social network VKontakte.Author of the publication Denis Gaskov.Medicine without drugs, is it possible?Once again...
Oksana, Stavropol (Russian Federation).Participant of the individual research program of the Kundawell Institute.Diagnosis: Severe headaches...The interview was recorded on April...
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