
Dear friends and colleagues!

Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell" invites research, educational and public organizations, clinics, foundations, and other interested structures, as well as image therapists and ZYQ practitioners to take part in the International Program of Chinese Image Medicine Research and Zhong Yuan Qigong for 2017-2023

Please send your suggestions for cooperation, comments and correction of the Program, as well as questions that interest you, to the e-mail address: “Program CIM and ZYQ”

cim science kundawell



The program is aimed at conducting comprehensive research on Chinese Image Medicine (CIM) and Zhong Yuan Qigong (ZYQ). The goal of the program is to create the theoretical and experimental scientific foundations of these ancient areas of holistic healing and human development. Such an approach will make it possible to form a solid scientific foundation for CIM as a unique trend in modern medicine and the medicine of the future.

The program determines the relevance, strategic goal, directions, and tasks of the research of the CIM and the ZYQ contains recommendations regarding the potential participants of the Program, its logistical and financial support.

The implementation of this program will attract significant attention of the international society and official science to the CIM and the ZYQ will form the leading place of the CIM as the vanguard of modern and future medicine (integral medicine). This will serve as a bright illustrative example of the convergence of Western and Eastern medicines, their mutual enrichment and the scientific validity of alternative medicine, one of the forefronts of which is the CIM. The creation and implementation of such Program is a path to the convergence of modern science and ancient methods of healing, self-knowledge, and self-development, it is an effective way and recognized by the society of the ancient and at the same time modern CIM, which is directly reflected in the main goals and objectives of the international medical research Kundawell.

Summary Program Plan

  1. The relevance of the creation and implementation of the research program.
  2. Strategic goal, directions, and objectives of the Program.
  3. Stages of the Program.
  4. Potential participants in the program.
  5. Logistics.
  6. Financing.
  7. Quality criteria for the implementation of the program.

1. The relevance of the creation and implementation of the Research Program

1.1.The modern state of Chinese Image Medicine research and Zhong Yuan Qigong

Currently, we can state a significant increase in the interest of the scientific community to the study of qigong, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other ancient methods of healing and treating human beings. In many countries, research centers have been set up at well-known scientific and educational centers to study the effect of qigong on the physiological processes of the body. Multiple studies of scientists have been reflected in regional, national and international conferences and symposia, and in recent years in annual international conferences on CIM and TCM.

Up to this date, an impressive work has been done on the study, training, popularization, testing, and development of CIM methods and qigong systems. However, despite significant advances in the development of CIM and the unique healing effects obtained by using its methods, most of them are purely empirical and unsystematic. And this does not allow us to speak about the creation of a full-fledged scientific direction in medicine, since many theoretical and experimental aspects and patterns of research carried out are unclear, namely:

1. 1. While conducting research on CIM methods, insufficient attention is paid to the planning and organization of the research process itself in accordance with the standards of modern evidence-based medicine. Thus, the conducted studies, in particular, are characterized by a very limited amount of homogeneous statistical data, sometimes there are isolated cases. In addition, the studies rarely use alternative (control) groups of patients, moreover, there are no unified requirements and reporting forms for all Image therapists during research and treatment, which significantly complicates the evaluation of the effectiveness of CIM methods with a high degree of statistical accuracy and reliability.

2. 2. There is practically no correct scientific substantiation and explanation of the real mechanisms (physical, chemical, energy, information, psychological) of obtaining diagnostic information and the occurrence of therapeutic effects, both in the treatment with the methods of CIM and in the independent practice of the ZYQ. Therefore, it is quite natural that in a broad academic society this forms a somewhat skeptical attitude towards the methods and results of the treatment.

3. It is not clear which factors are of priority in the method of treating a particular disease: physical impact (massage), psychological impact (talking with the patient), energy impact of the image therapist by emitting his Qi, informational influence of the therapist by changing the image of the disease, impact medicines, herbs and dietary supplements, the role of the patient in the cure (Placebo effect)..

4. There is no sufficient statistically significant scientific evidence of obvious therapeutic effects of such specific factors that are hard to identify, such as exposure through Qi radiation and information exposure by changing the image of the disease, since such factors fundamentally important for CIM are veiled by other known therapeutic effects, namely: physical exposure ( massage), psychological impact (conversation with the patient) and the role of the patient in the treatment (Placebo effect).

5. The theory of CIM and ZYQ is presented in ancient Eastern philosophical concepts and terms, the basic models of which are the concepts of transformation “Jing-Qi-Shen”, “Yin-Yang”, “Emtiness”, “Dao”, etc. In particular, to define such fundamental to CIM concepts like “Image” are used only verbal descriptions and some analogies with the concepts of quantum mechanics and string theory. This state of the theoretical part of the CIM does not allow us to speak of the scientific theory of CIM in its modern sense, but rather as empirical laws.

1.2. The relevance of the implementation of the program of Chinese Image Medicine research and Zhong Yuan Qigong

The reason for the above, as well as a number of other shortcomings, is the weak expression of theoretical and experimental studies in the field of CIM and ZYQ, which indicates the need to create the scientific direction of CIM and ZYQ. The creation of such a new scientific direction will not only expand the medical and recreational opportunities of ZYQ and CIM among a wide audience and raise their prestige but also help to understand the nature of their phenomena and patterns much better. Such scientific studies will be able to uncover the underlying causes and mechanisms of the occurrence of human diseases and help create effective methods for their prevention and treatment.

Creating a scientific field of CIM in no way detracts from the dignity, originality, and integrity of CIM as the ancient art of healing, but it can complement it with the knowledge of a scientific plan.

2. Strategic goal, directions, and objectives of the Program

2.1.Strategic Objective of the Program

The main strategic goal of the Program is to create the theoretical and experimental foundations of the modern scientific field of CIM and ZYQ, which will form a solid scientific foundation for CIM as a unique direction of modern medicine and medicine of the future, will significantly hang the authority of this ancient system of healing and healing academic environment.

2.2. Program Directions

The research program of CIM and ZYQ involves four areas:

Theoretical direction - refers to the development of theoretical scientific aspects of the CIM and the ZYQ, and more specifically to the development of scientific concepts, models, methods, theories of the CIM using the theoretical and methodological approach of modern science (physics, biology, health sciences, psychology, computer science, synergetics, etc.)

Experimental direction - refers to the organization and conduct of comprehensive objective instrumental, laboratory and statistical studies of the course of physical and physiological (biophysical, biochemical, bio informational) processes in the human body under the influence of an Image therapist and individual practice of the ZYQ.

The direction of clinical research refers to the development and implementation of clinical research programs for methods of CIM and ZYQ based on the requirements of modern evidence-based medicine.

Informational and analytical direction - refers to the development and maintenance of an integrated informational and analytical system of scientific research, professional healing and CIM training. This system is used to organize and coordinate the activities of Image practitioners and instructors of the ZYQ, collecting automated statistical and intellectual analysis of the results of treatment with CIM methods and the results of their own practice of the ZYQ, creating a unified database of all theoretical, experimental and clinical research in the field of CIM and ZYQ, building a web-based distance learning system for CIM specialists, an expert diagnostic support system and therapeutic solutions for CIM.

2.3. Program Tasks

The objectives of the Program are ordered and grouped in accordance with its four areas: theoretical, experimental, clinical and information-analytical.

Objectives of the theoretical direction of research

1. To develop the foundations of the modern scientific theory of CIM, which will include Western philosophical and general scientific conceptual models, a set of particular theories, models, methods, techniques and algorithms in the framework of specific sciences (biology, medicine (Western and Eastern), physics, mathematics, systems theory, synergetics, informatics, psychology, cognitive sciences (in particular, the sciences of the nature of consciousness), semiotics) explaining the mechanisms of the onset of therapeutic effects from the effects of the Image therapist and the own practice of the ZYQ, as well as do and patterns of obtaining diagnostic information by the Image therapist through its figurative perception and processing through image thinking. In particular, to develop a scientific theory explaining the mechanisms of diagnosis and treatment by methods of CIM at the physical, energy, information (spiritual) levels, as well as at the levels of "Yin-Yang" and Emptiness.

2. Create a scientifically grounded conceptual and terminological apparatus of the CIM, which will be understood by the modern scientific community. This will open up opportunities for the development of a complex of official research and educational programs, as well as relevant standards in this promising area of medicine.

3. To develop the theory of CIM in the form of an ontological model as the most effective structure for the representation of knowledge in artificial intelligence systems and expert systems, which will create a full-fledged thesaurus (conceptual and terminological apparatus) and an infological model of its subject area, as well as automate and integrate the processing of necessary information with using modern information technologies and artificial intelligence systems.

4. Create reliable verification methods (confirmation of truth) of concepts, models, methods, theories of CIM based on the results of clinical and experimental studies.

5. Develop objective scientifically based methods for analyzing, predicting, evaluating the effectiveness of CIM methods and the quality of work of a particular CIM specialist in diagnosing and treating a wide range of diseases with the necessary accuracy and reliability. Based on the results of the analysis, develop a procedure for certification and advanced training of CIM specialists. The same results can be used for self-analysis, professional correction and development of CIM specialists.

6. To create recommendations, adaptive methods for optimizing (increasing the effectiveness) of the therapeutic practice of a CIM specialist based on an automated analysis of the results of his professional research, which will increase its effectiveness.

7. Create scientifically-based standards of CIM training (educational and professional program and educational qualification characteristics), a set of educational and training programs (curricula, work programs of disciplines, lecture and practically-oriented teaching materials, electronic interactive learning systems), methods and software testing and self-testing of CIM specialists.

8. Writing a collective scientific monograph "Theoretical and empirical foundations of the scientific direction of the Chinese Image Medicine", which will display the relevant results of theoretical and experimental research in the framework of the Program of scientists from various fields of science.

Experimental research tasks

9. Develop and carry out a set of experimental studies of real mechanisms (physical, chemical, energy, informational, psychological), leading to the emergence of therapeutic effects under the influence of CIM specialist and personal practice of the ZYQ.

10. Develop and conduct a set of experimental studies to determine the priority therapeutic factors affecting the patient (physical impact (massage), psychological effects (talking with the patient), energy effects of the image therapist through radiation and changing the quality of Qi, informational influence of the therapist by changing the image of the disease , the effects of drugs, herbs and dietary supplements, the role of the patient in the treatment (Placebo effect)) in the CIM methods of treating diseases. In particular, to conduct a set of experimental studies to test hypotheses about the significance of therapeutic effects through Qi radiation and information effects by changing the image of the disease.

Objectives of the direction of clinical research

11. Develop a general program of clinical research of CIM based on the provisions of evidence-based medicine and taking into account the specifics of the activities of the CIM specialist.

12. Create strategic models and methods for planning, conducting, recording and analyzing experimental statistical data on the study of the processes of diagnosing and treating patients using CIM, using modern information and analytical systems

13. To develop forms and templates for entering personal information about the patient, the results of his independent laboratory and functional studies, the results of his diagnosis and treatment using CIM methods based on the provisions of evidence-based medicine and the specifics of the activities of the CIM specialist, which are consistent with the objectives of the CIM Research Program.

14. Create a statistically significant database of the results of clinical experimental studies (primary homogeneous statistical material research).

15. To carry out statistical and analytical processing of data from the results of clinical and experimental research, on the basis of which to evaluate the effectiveness of methods for diagnosing and treating CIM, verify concepts, models, methods, theories of CIM using the information-analytical system.

Objectives of the information and analytical research area

16. Create a website of the Scientific Department of the Institute "Kundawell", which will have a section on the Research Program, and a section providing access to the electronic database of scientific publications and conference materials (including materials from all conferences on CIM and TCM held by "Kundawell" ) in the field of the study of the psychophysical systems of human self-development and healing systems, including CIM and ZYQ.

17. Develop a web-based information system “Image Therapist” for the organization of professional work, the exchange of experience of CIM specialists and the selection of primary information for the formation of a database and knowledge base in the field of CIM.

18. Develop an analytical information system for analyzing, predicting, evaluating the effectiveness, optimizing the results of diagnostics and treatment of CIM specialists based on the processing of primary information received from the Image Therapist system.

19. Develop an information system for verification (testing) of new concepts, theories, models, methods explaining the mechanisms for obtaining diagnostic information and therapeutic effects of CIM and the practice of the ZYQ on the basis of the research results.

20. Develop an intellectualized information system that includes a thesaurus and a knowledge base of the CIM , based on the ontological model of its subject area, a virtual system for presenting and processing visual (figurative) diagnostic information of a CIM specialist (specialized knowledge database “Atlas of Images”), web oriented system of distance learning, testing and self-testing of CIM specialists, an expert system of support for making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in the field of CIM.

21. Integrate the website of the Scientific Department of the Institute "Kundawell", an information-oriented web-based system "Image Therapist", an analytical information system for analyzing, forecasting, evaluating the effectiveness and optimizing the results of treatment of CIM specialists, the information system verification, the intellectualized information system analytical system of scientific research, professional healing and training CIM.

3. Stages of the Program implementation

The program is carried out by implementing a number of stages, each of which can be considered as a separate independent project. The names of the stages themselves, their content, expected results, performers and execution terms will be determined as the team of participants of the Research and Development Program of the CIM and ZYQ formed within the framework of the concluded contracts.

4. Potential Program Participants

The main initiator, organizer and coordinator of the Research Program is the Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell" (China). Potential participants of the Program may be Universities, research institutes, clinics, foundations, public organizations, associations, companies and interested individuals.

5. Material and technical support

The program is implemented on the material and technical base of the Program participants in accordance with the cooperation agreements.

6. Program Financing

Considering the non-commercial nature, the socially-oriented direction of the Research Program, its funding should be based on the principles of enthusiasm, personal initiative, sponsorship, receiving grants, etc. Possible sources of funding can be:

  1. Receiving grants in the framework of international research, educational, infrastructural and social programs and projects.
  2. Financing of research by the Program participants from their own funds within the framework of concluded agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation.
  3. International Charitable Foundation "Mingtang".
  4. Charitable contributions of members of public organizations associated with the development of the ZYQ and CIM (certified instructors of the ZYQ and CIM-specialists).
  5. Sponsorship of legal entities and individuals interested in the implementation of the Research Program, which will be actively advertised at all events and information resources related to the Program.

7. Quality criteria for the implementation of the Program

The main criteria for the quality of the implementation of the CIM research program are independent examination of research results, scientific publications in well-known peer-reviewed publications and reports at international conferences and congresses, preparation and publication in the prestigious publishing house of the collective scientific monograph “Theoretical and empirical foundations of the scientific direction of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong".

Research results

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Oksana, Stavropol (Russian Federation).Participant of the individual research program of the Kundawell Institute.Diagnosis: Severe headaches...The interview was recorded on April...
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