i rezultatam nauchnykh issledovanij ukr 2018Report on Research Results of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong in 2018, Conducted According to the International Scientific Program for 2017-2023

About program

The program of research of Chinese Image Medicine (CIM) and Zhong Yuan Qigong (ZYQ) is aimed at conducting comprehensive research on Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong in order to create their theoretical and experimental scientific foundations and to achieve two prospective global goals, namely:

  1. The entry of CIM and ZYQ into the fold of Integrative scientific medicine, which will contribute to the legalization, establishing and growth of their prestige at the national, international and world levels, as well as increasing the effectiveness of CIM specialists through CIM theory and practice standardization and implementation of the latest intellectualized information systems for the organization and coordination of activities, training and advanced training of the international community of CIM specialists.
  2. The development of scientific theories, models, methods, as well as informational and analytical means of Integrative scientific medicine and related sciences (biology, complex systems physics, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, semiotics) based on classical and non-classical types of scientific rationality, the paradigm of rational holism and subjective ontologies that take into account the internal (semantic, spiritual, ideal) dimensions of reality and man.
The program is aimed at the developing of new scientific concepts, models, methods, theories of Chinese Image Medicine and Integrative medicine using the theoretical and methodological approach of modern science; carrying out comprehensive objective instrumental, laboratory and statistical studies of the course of physical and physiological (biophysical, biochemical, bio-informational) processes in the human body under the influence of a CIM therapist and individual practice of ZYQ; clinical trials of CIM and ZYQ methods within the framework of the requirements and standards of modern probative medicine; development and maintenance of an integrated informational and analytical environment of scientific research, professional healing and CIM training.

At the beginning of 2017, a team of scientific researchers and CIM practitioners including Lupenko S., Vakulenko D., Pavlishyn A., Sverstiuk A., Horkunenko A., Orobchuk A., Pomazkina T. was organized to implement the CIM Research Program.


During the period of the Program a number of important scientific and applied results were obtained, namely:
  1. The object and subject of the scientific direction of CIM research were formulated.
  2. The requirements for the CIM scientific theory were formulated.
  3. The CIM research methodology within the framework of classical and non-classical scientific rationality was substantiated.
  4. The axiomatic-deductive strategy of organizing traditional and scientific CIM theory was substantiated, in particular, knowledge in e-learning systems for Chinese Image Medicine, which meets the semantic quality requirements of electronic courses in training and improving the skills of image therapists as well as Zhong Yuan Qigong online training.
  5. The structure of CIM scientific theory, which is consistent with the structure of Integrative scientific medicine theory and the traditional CIM theory, was developed.
  6. A generalized conceptual model of Reality (Life) was developed in CIM, which details and concretizes the traditional for CIM and ZYQ "Zing-Qi-Shen" Life model, synthesizes Ken Wilber’s all-level-all-sector model and the generalized scientific "substrate-energy-information" model, and is the basis for nosology generation in CIM.
  7. The general program of CIM clinical studies was developed on the basis of the probative medicine provisions, taking into account the specifics of an image therapist’s activities.
  8. The requirements were formulated, common architecture and interface projects of integrated, onto-oriented information and analytical environment for scientific research, professional healing and Chinese Image Medicine e-learning were developed. As its components, it includes the following systems: the information system of professional healing activity "Image Therapist", CIM knowledge base, expert (recommendation) system to support diagnostic and therapeutic decision making in CIM, CIM e-learning information system, CIM scientific research information system.
  9. The fragments of CIM ontology, which is the basis of the CIM knowledge base, were developed, and it allows to unify and standardize technologies for presenting information (data and knowledge) in the field of CIM, eliminates subjective factors, polysemantic, the vagueness of concepts and images which CIM- therapists operate with an explicit or implicit form in the process of making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
  10. The first version of a multimedia electronic textbook was developed for the study and practice of the first stage of ZYQ on "Eliademy" platform. This textbook integrates various types of educational information: textual, audio, photo and video information.


17 scientific works have been published so far, the list and access to them are given below.

The list of scientific works published in the field of CIM and ZYQ research.
  1. Lupenko S. Towards the creation of Yi Xiang Yi Xue as a research area of medicine (link).
  2. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O., Vakulenko D., Sverstyuk A., Horkunenko A. Integrated onto-based information analytical environment of scientific research, professional healing and e-learning of Chinese Image Medicine (link).
  3. Lupenko S. Elements of western philosophical and general scientific fundamentals of Chinese Medicine Yi Xiang Yi Xue (link).
  4. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O., Pavlyshyn A. Conceptual fundamentals for ontological simulation of Chinese Image Medicine as a promising component of integrative medicine (link).
  5. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O. Ontological modeling of Chinese Image Medicine (link).
  6. Lupenko S., Horkunenko A. Onto-based expert system for Chinese Image (link).
  7. Lupenko S. About an international program of evidence-based scientific researches of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong for 2017-2023 years (link).
  8. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O., Zahorodna N. Creation of the ontology-oriented online educational environment as a direction of integrative medicine formation on the example of Chinese Image Medicine (link).
  9. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O., Pomazkina T. Formation and management of the content of e-learning system of Chinese Image Medicine (link).
  10. Lupenko S. International program of scientific researches of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong for 2017-2023 years: the objectives of the program and the state of its implementation (link).
  11. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O. Knowledgebase and e-learning multimedia system of Chinese image medicine based on its ontology. The First All-Ukrainian Forum of Chinese Image Medicine. Collection of abstracts and reports (link).
  12. Lupenko S.A., Pavlyshyn A.V., Sverstiuk A.С. Organizing the methodology of clinical trials on the effectiveness and effectiveness of Chinese Image Medicine in the context of probative medicine. The First All-Ukrainian Forum of Chinese Image Medicine. Collection of abstracts and reports (link).
  13. Lupenko S., Horkunenko A., Mosiy L. Expert system for the support of diagnostic and therapeutic decisions making in the field of Chinese Image Medicine.The First All-Ukrainian Forum of Chinese image medicine. Collection of abstracts and reports (link).
  14. V. P. Martsenyuk, S. A. Lupenko, A. S. Sverstiuk, A. V. Pavlyshyn Methodology for organizing clinical trials on the effectiveness and safety of Chinese Image Medicine in the context of evidence-based medicine (link).
  15. Lupenko S., Orobchuk O., Pomazkina T., Mingtang Xu. Conceptual, formal and software-information fundamentals of ontological modeling of Chinese Image Medicine as an element of integrative medicine (link).
  16. Lupenko S., Pasichnyk V., Kunanets N., Orobchuk O., Mingtang Xu. The axiomatic-deductive strategy of knowledge organization in onto-based e-learning systems for Chinese Image Medicine (link).
  17. Orobchuk O. Methods of extraction of knowledge for the formation of the content of onto-based e-learning systems for Chinese Image Medicine (link).

Plans for 2019

For the next year (2019), the following activities are planned to be carried out within the framework of the International Program of Research of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong:

  1. Preparation and publication of the first scientific monograph devoted to CIM and ZYQ studies.
  2. Collection of successful cases of treatment by the methods of Chinese Image Medicine in the framework of probative medicine.
  3. Establishing an international consortium of universities, research institutes, public organizations and individuals to participate in international grant projects within the framework of the International Program of Research of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong.
  4. Organization and holding of around work table among specialists in various branches of science (medicine, biology, psychology, computer science and artificial intelligence, physical and mathematical sciences, philosophy), as well as public health officials and CIM therapists, within the framework of the 9th International Conference on CIM (Kyiv).
  5. Preparation and publication of scientific papers in the following areas:
  • Scientific interpretations of disease images and mechanisms of image treatment in Chinese Image Medicine.
  • The multilevel "Qi" phenomenon in Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong: cultural, philosophical, psychological, physical, and energy-informational aspects.
  • Mathematical modeling of the diagnostic space of Chinese Image Medicine.
  • Mathematical modeling of the therapeutic space of Chinese Image Medicine.
  • Models and methods of organizing the educational process in the onto-oriented multimedia e-learning system of Chinese Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong.
  • The technology of expert knowledge selection in the field of Chinese Image Medicine for its ontological modeling.
  • Technologies of intellectual analysis of the diagnostics and therapy results using

Information resources

Chinese Image Medicine methods.Information resources of the Scientific Research Program of CIM and ZYQ:
  1. the official website of the public organization "Chinese Image Medicine Association of Ukraine" (link).
  2. the research site of Chinese image medicine at Ivan Gorbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (link).
  3. the site of the multimedia electronic textbook "Zhong Yuan Qigong. Stage I" (link).

Additional information

We invite you to cooperate in the implementation of the research program of CIM and ZYQ in the following areas:
  • carrying out original scientific research within the Program;
  • joining the already existing research within the Program;
  • financial and other material support for the implementation of the Program;
  • informational and advertising support for the implementation of the Program.


E-mail: cima@tdmu.edu.ua
Web site: cima.org.ua

Research results

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