инструкторский курс и семинар по IV ступени Чжун Юань цигун в Институте Кундавелл
As part of the commemoration of the anniversary of the official opening of the Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute, events are planned on Zhong Yuan Qigong: Level IV Seminar and Instructors Course.
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ZYQ IV Level Seminar

We invite you to attend a seminar on ZYQ level IV at the Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute.

Period of Study

April 15 - organizational day:
  • arrival in the city of Beijing (China);
  • hotel accommodation;
  • payment for classes;
  • organizational questions.
April 16-17 - classes on ZYQ Level IV.


  • Training time: from 9:00 to 17:30
  • Break: from 12:00 to 14:30
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The cost of classes - 1800 RMB.

Payment is accepted in cash in dollars and euros at the current exchange rate on the day of arrival, April 15. Payment by credit card or bank transfer to the Institute account is possible.


The cost of training does not include payment for accommodation. The institute assists in booking places at discounted prices in the hotel "Botai":

  • Accommodation for two (Double room) is 140 RMB / night.
  • Single accommodation - 280 RMB / night.
If you have already agreed with someone about living together, please let us know by email: education@kundawell.com

If you will choose the Double room we will find for you another person who also would like to share the room. If there are no participants to move in with you, you will have to settle alone with payment of 280 RMB / night.

You can also book yourself another hotel.

Prices for accommodation may vary.


In the Kundawell Institute for an additional fee for possible meals.

  • 07:30 - 08:00 - Breakfast (38 RMB)
  • 12:30 - 13:00 - Lunch (48 RMB)
  • 18:30 - 19:00 - Dinner (58 RMB)
Payment must be made for the entire stay.

Additional services

You can attend procedures: acupuncture, Chinese cups, massage, moxibustion, spa treatments, visiting the Chinese bathhouse. (It is paid additionally). During the training course, all Kundawell students get 20% discount on healing sessions at all specialists of the Institute (except for the healing sessions of Professor Xu Mingtang). i kurs 2018 2019 ru 4

ZYQ Instructors Course

The course is intended:
  • for operating instructors of ZYQ of 1, 2, 3 levels;
  • for those who wish to become a ZYQ instructor;
You will get the opportunity to:
  • improve your abilities in the teaching of the ZYQ;
  • get new knowledge in the field of qigong;
  • after successfully passing the exam, you can qualify as an instructor of the first level or the next level. (Under all conditions, see below);
  • get a unique learning experience with Grandmaster Xu Mingtang and a team of specialists at the Kundawell Institute.

Conditions for obtaining the qualification of ZYQ Instructor of I level

Qualification conditions:
  • 2 years of practice;
  • get training on levels 1-4 of ZYQ;
  • get trained in the instructor course of Grandmaster Xu Mingtang
  • pass the exam, write a written paper
  • get an instructor certificate for teaching the ZYQ level I;
  • pay 108 euros for a certificate for the right to teach seminars on the level I.
Certificate Validity

The certificate is valid for 4 years from the date of receipt.

Qualification confirmation

At least once in 4 years, it is necessary to attend instructors seminars, training seminars for upgrade level of instructors with Grandmaster Xu Mingtang.

Conditions of upgrading level for instructors of ZYQ

If you are already an instructor Zhong Yuan Qigong, please read carefully the rules for advanced training of instructors, which are published on the central site of Zhong Yuan Qigong (the publication is available only to authorized instructors).

The Program

A detailed program of the course will be published in the coming days.
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Tuition is 10,000 RMB. Attention! Participation in the IV level seminar on Zhong Yuan Qigong (April 16-17, 2019) is included free of charge.

Payment is accepted in cash in dollars, euros, and RMB at the current exchange rate on the day of arrival. Payments by credit card or bank transfer to the institute bank account are also available.


The cost of tuition does not include payment for accommodation. The institute assists in booking places at discounted prices in the hotel "Botai":
  • Accommodation for two (Double room) is 140 RMB / night.
  • Single accommodation - 280 RMB / night.
If you have already agreed with someone about living together, please let us know by email: education@kundawell.com

If you will choose the Double room we will find for you another person who also would like to share the room. If there are no participants to move in with you, you will have to settle alone with payment of 280 RMB / night.

You can also book yourself another hotel.

Prices for accommodation may vary.


For participants of the instructor's course, lunch is provided during school days, which is included in the tuition fee. You can also order breakfast and dinner at the Institute "Kundawell" for an additional fee, which should be made once for the entire period of stay.
  • 7:30 - 8:00: Breakfast (38 RMB)
  • 12:30 - 13:00: Lunch (included in the cost of the seminar)
  • 18:30 - 19:00: Dinner (58 RMB)

Leisure activities

For participants of the course, the Kundawell Institute organizes leisure:
  • Excursion to the Taoist Temple of White Clouds.
  • Tea ceremonies.
  • Lunch in the restaurant.

Additional services

You can attend procedures: acupuncture, Chinese cups, massage, moxibustion. During the training course, all Kundawell students get 20% discount on healing sessions at all specialists of the Institute (except for the healing sessions of Professor Xu Mingtang).
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Application deadline: up to April 8, 2019. 
Please note: The number of participants is limited. 

register rus
To enter China you need an L or M visa for a period of 30 days. In case you will need it the Institute will send you a hotel reservation or invitation for visa processing. Please be sure that the term of your visa is sufficient for the entire period of your stay in China.

Research results

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